Thursday, May 7, 2020

BRAINSHACK Iowa Community Invites You!


(1) Learning Python: Ever wanted to learn Python for your work in science?  Want to prepare for Neuromatch Academy (see below)?  The UIowa Brainhack Committee will be providing links to online resources (at and interactive weekly review sessions 3-5 pm on Zoom every Friday starting May 22-July 10th. (Hacky Hour zoom ID = 412-096-940).  Contact James Kent ( for more information.


(2) Neuromatch Academy 2020: An online school for Computational Neuroscience:  "Started by the team who created CoSMo summer school, CCN SS, Simons IBRO, and neuromatch conference, we announce a worldwide academy to train neuroscientists to learn computational tools, make connections to real world neuroscience problems, and promote networking with researchers.”  (Link to preliminary syllabus)



Prerequisites: basic neuroscience, basic math, understanding of Python programming language

Dates: July 13 - 31, 2020

Deadline to sign up: May 7th